
Ethereal Touch by Lauriel Malone

Lauriel Malone is a Licensed Massage Therapist based in Atlanta, Georgia. She offers a range of massage services, including Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Seated Massage, Myofascial Release, Prenatal Massage, Sports Massage, and Stretch Therapy.

A Certified Reiki 1 & 2 Practitioner and Energy Healer, Lauriel’s approach to massage extends beyond mere physical relief. She skillfully manipulates the body's natural energies, with the intention of fostering stability and restoring emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Open communication is of paramount importance. Lauriel values your insights into your body's experiences, emotional state, and desired outcomes, as this knowledge empowers her to provide you with the most effective assistance possible. Likewise, she will attentively explain each treatment and its expected benefits, ensuring you are well-informed and comfortable throughout the session.

By making massage a regular part of your life, you will undoubtedly reap its remarkable rewards. Lauriel's ultimate goal is to collaborate with you in caring for your body temple, fostering complete and lasting well-being as you embark on this transformative voyage of self-discovery.